Meraki Entertainment Nagaland faces allegations of unpaid prizes and services

Meraki Entertainment

Meraki Entertainment Nagaland, the organiser of the popular “You Got The Voice Nagaland” competition, is facing serious allegations of failing to deliver on its promises to winners and professionals involved in the event. The controversy has sparked outrage among participants and raised concerns about the organisation’s credibility.

Winners Await Promised Rewards

Arola Jinger and Susalho Ringa, the winner and first runner-up of “You Got The Voice Nagaland” Season 2, held on 22 June 2024, have come forward with claims that Meraki Entertainment has not provided them with the full prize money they were promised. Jinger stated that she has only received a portion of her prize, while Ringa has not been paid at all.

In addition to the financial compensation, the winners were also promised three-month professional courses at Clefnote Music Academy, along with the opportunity to record cover songs, original songs, and professional music videos. However, according to Jinger and Ringa, none of these commitments have been fulfilled by Meraki Entertainment.

The situation has been further aggravated by the alleged lack of communication from Thritong Sangtam, the president of Meraki Entertainment. The winners claim that their repeated attempts to contact Sangtam have been met with silence, leaving them frustrated and seeking answers.

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A Pattern of Unfulfilled Promises

The current controversy has brought to light a history of similar complaints against Meraki Entertainment. The winner of “You Got The Voice Nagaland” Season 1 reported receiving only half of the advertised prize money, and even that came after significant delays.

Moreover, various professionals, including judges, designers, hairstylists, and makeup artists, have claimed that they were not compensated for their work in previous events organised by the company. One hairstylist shared their experience of bringing a team and using personal products for an event, only to be left unpaid and given excuses by the organisation.

These revelations have raised serious questions about Meraki Entertainment’s financial management and its ability to honour its commitments to those who contribute to its events.

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Meraki Entertainment’s Response and Future Implications

Faced with the growing backlash, Meraki Entertainment took to Instagram to address the allegations. In their statement, they acknowledged the delay in prize payments and attributed it to the financial prioritisation of an upcoming major event. They assured that the remaining prize money would be settled immediately.

However, given the organisation’s history of unfulfilled promises, many remain sceptical about the sincerity of their response. The controversy has cast a shadow over Meraki Entertainment’s upcoming event, which is set to feature Mark Angel Comedy. Participants and stakeholders are now questioning the reliability of the organisation and its ability to deliver on its commitments.

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The organisation must take swift and concrete action to address the concerns raised by the winners and professionals involved in their events. Failure to do so could have severe consequences for their reputation and ability to operate in Nagaland’s entertainment industry.

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