Jacob Zhimomi Highlights Central Government’s Commitment, Urges ENPO to Vote in Lok Sabha Elections

Jacob Zhimomi Appeals to ENPO for Election Participation

Jacob Zhimomi, Nagaland’s minister for Public Health Engineering and Cooperation, and leader of the state’s Bharatiya Janata Party, has called upon the Eastern Nagaland People’s Organization (ENPO) to take part in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The minister’s appeal came during a campaign event for the People’s Democratic Alliance’s Lok Sabha candidate, Dr. Chumben Murry.

During his address, Zhimomi highlighted the central government’s commitment to the development of Nagaland and the Northeast region. He argued that the participation of the ENPO in the elections would bolster the government’s initiatives aimed at promoting growth and progress in the area.

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The minister urged the organization to reconsider its decision to abstain from voting, cautioning that such a move could have far-reaching consequences for the region’s future.

Jacob Zhimomi

Zhimomi stressed the need for Nagaland, as a mature state, to make decisions collectively and in consultation with its people. He acknowledged that any government decision affecting any part of the state should be made only after thorough consideration and dialogue with all stakeholders involved.

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The minister pointed to Home Minister Amit Shah’s recent visit to Nagaland as evidence of the central government’s dedication to bringing tangible and sustainable development to the region. However, he cautioned that such progress would require time and the cooperation and support of all parties involved.

Jacob Zhimomi also highlighted the prestige and identity that Nagaland’s statehood represents for the Naga people. He noted that all 16 districts of the state are classified as special category districts, emphasizing the region’s unique status and the government’s commitment to its development.

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The campaign event, which saw the attendance of political leaders from the Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party, Bharatiya Janata Party, and various community leaders, provided Zhimomi with an opportunity to address the concerns of the ENPO and to encourage their participation in the democratic process.

The minister’s appeal has drawn mixed reactions from political analysts and the public alike. Some have praised Zhimomi for his efforts to promote inclusivity and encourage the ENPO’s participation in the elections, while others have questioned the timing and motives behind his statement.

The ENPO, which represents the interests of several tribes in eastern Nagaland, has long advocated for the creation of a separate state within the region. The organization’s decision to abstain from the Lok Sabha elections is seen as a protest against what it perceives as the central government’s lack of action on this issue.

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As the election campaign continues, it remains to be seen whether Jacob Zhimomi’s appeal will have any impact on the ENPO’s stance or the overall political landscape in Nagaland. The outcome of the Lok Sabha elections in the state may provide some insight into the effectiveness of the minister’s call for unity and participation.

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