NU Kohima’s CBP empowers young Social Science faculty members

Nagaland University CBP empowers young Social Science faculty members

The Department of Education at Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, recently concluded a two-week Capacity Building Programme (CBP) for young higher education faculty members in social sciences. The event, held from May 7 to May 18, 2024, aimed to enhance academic and research excellence among the participants.

Sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Ministry of Education, Government of India, the programme attracted 29 participants from 10 different social science disciplines. The CBP featured 36 sessions conducted by 22 resource persons from across the country, covering a wide range of topics related to research and academic excellence.

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The Valedictory Programme, held on the final day, was graced by Prof. VP Joshith from the Department of Education, Central University of Kerala, who served as the Chief Guest and a resource person. Prof. Joshith praised the organisers for their hospitality and dedication, encouraging participants to engage actively and enjoy the learning process.

Dr. Boyillapalli Venkata Rao, ICSSR-CBP Co-course Director, provided a detailed report on the programme’s objectives and outcomes. He highlighted that the CBP adhered to all ICSSR norms and received extensive feedback from participants.

Major outcomes included data analysis in social science research using IBM-SPSS-AMOS, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) through Smart PLS, and knowledge of patents and copyrights.

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Participants, such as Dr. Babli Parveen from Delhi University, shared their valuable feedback on the CBP. Dr. Parveen encouraged local research scholars to participate in such programmes in the future, emphasising the importance of open-mindedness and the new friendships formed during the event.

The Valedictory Programme was chaired by Dr. Limala, ICSSR-CBP Course Director and Associate Professor, Department of Education, Nagaland University. Prof. Buno Zetsuvi, former Dean of the School of Humanities and Education, delivered the welcome address, while Dr. M. Rajendra Nath Babu, Associate Professor, Department of Education, NU, proposed the vote of thanks.

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The successful completion of the CBP at Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, has set a benchmark for future capacity-building initiatives. The programme fostered a spirit of academic excellence and collaboration among young faculty members in the social sciences, paving the way for continued growth and development in the field.

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