Travel advisory issued for Kohima-Dimapur commuters due to landslide

Travel advisory issued for Kohima-Dimapur commuters due to landslide

A massive landslide near Dzüdza Bridge on NH-29 has caused a complete blockage from chainage KM 163+980 to KM 164+030 (RHS). The restoration process may take days or weeks. In response, DC Kohima Kumar Ramnikant has issued a travel advisory for light vehicles only. For Kohima to Dimapur-bound vehicles, the recommended route is Jotsoma-Khonoma-Mezoma-Sechüma-Sechü Zubza or Dzüdza Bridge-Mezo Basa-Sechüma-Sechü Zubza. For Dimapur to Kohima-bound vehicles, the route is Peducha Bridge-Tsiesema (10 Mile Road). Commuters are advised to plan their journeys accordingly and cooperate fully.

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