Luna Awomi

Luna Awomi is a writer with a passion for storytelling and a keen interest in the world around her. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Journalism and Digital Media to further develop her writing skills.

M.G.M College equips female students with crucial self-defence skills

M.G.M College equips female students with crucial self-defence skills

On 21 August 2024, the Women and Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell of M.G.M College organised a “Self-Defence Class” for female students at the College Auditorium. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of empowering women through self-defence in today’s challenging society. The session began with an invocation by Ms. Alovika, a 5th Semester student,…

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MGM College installs new PTA members in collaborative meeting

MGM College installs new PTA members in collaborative meeting

MGM College held its Parents Teacher Association (PTA) meeting on 16 August 2024, bringing together the college’s administration and faculty members. The event showcased the institution’s dedication to student development through a united approach. The meeting’s focal point was the consecration of newly elected PTA members. Administrator President N Thungbeni Patton and General Secretary Sir…

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Seri-tourism Model Farming Centre inaugurated in Khensa village

Seri-tourism Model Farming Centre inaugurated in Khensa village

Imkongmar, Advisor for Sericulture and Minority Affairs in Nagaland, inaugurated the Seri-Tourism Model Farming Centre at Khensa village, Mokokchung, on 10th August 2024. The centre is one of the first of its kind in the state, aimed at promoting sericulture and sustainable income generation. The Advisor emphasised the centre’s potential to attract tourists and educate…

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