ATMA Ahthibung promotes sustainable farming with Trichoderma, Neem, and Vermicompost

ATMA Ahthibung promotes sustainable farming with Trichoderma, Neem, and Vermicompost

Old Chalkot village buzzed with excitement as farmers gathered for a ground-breaking agricultural demonstration. The Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) of Ahthibung block, Peren, orchestrated an eye-opening event on 26 August 2024, showcasing cutting-edge organic farming techniques. The demonstration centred on the application of Trichoderma viride, preparation of neem seed kernel extract, and creation of vermicompost beds.

Lhaihoichong Singson, Block Technology Manager (BTM), chaired the programme, while Lireni Lotha, Assistant Technology Manager (ATM) of Ahthibung block, spearheaded the hands-on demonstrations. The resource person delved into the myriad uses, purposes, and benefits of Trichoderma viride, shedding light on its crucial role in organic farming. They also expounded on the advantages of neem as a natural pesticide and the significance of vermicomposting in sustainable agriculture.

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The event took a practical turn as farmers rolled up their sleeves, participating in step-by-step demonstrations of Trichoderma viride application, neem seed kernel extract preparation, and vermicompost bed creation. This hands-on approach ensured that the 10 attending farmers grasped each process thoroughly, paving the way for successful implementation on their own farms.

In a gesture of support, ATMA distributed live red wiggler earthworms and Trichoderma viride to the eager participants. This thoughtful provision of resources aimed to kickstart the farmers’ journey into sustainable farming practices, empowering them to put their newfound knowledge into action immediately.

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