BJP Nagaland opposes Cow Slaughter Ban campaign, citing cultural concerns


The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Nagaland has expressed strong concerns over the proposed “Gau Dhwaj Sthapana Bharat Yatra” programme, scheduled to take place in Kohima on 28 September 2024. This event aims to advocate for a nationwide ban on cow slaughter, a move that has sparked widespread objection in the state.

Celebrating Diversity, Not Curtailing It

The BJP Nagaland emphasised that India’s diversity is its greatest strength and that this diversity should be celebrated, not curtailed. The party is worried that imposing such regulations could create divisions and undermine social harmony among people of different communities and faiths. Therefore, they have urged the organisers to reconsider holding the event in Nagaland.

Also Read: Angami Public Organisation urges Nagaland Government to block ‘Gau Dhwai Sthapana Bharat Yatra’

Protecting Naga Rights and Traditions

The BJP clarified that the “Gau Dhwaj Sthapana Bharat Yatra” has no affiliation with the party. However, they stressed that their opposition to the programme is rooted in a desire for mutual respect and understanding, rather than an attack on any particular faith or belief system. The party appealed to the Government of Nagaland to uphold the provisions of Article 371 A, which protects the rights and traditions of the Naga people. Any attempt to impose regulations contradicting the religious and social practices, especially regarding food, would be a direct infringement on these rights.

Cultural Significance of Beef in Naga Cuisine

Beef is an integral part of Naga cuisine and has been a cultural practice and part of traditional festivals for centuries. The BJP highlighted that imposing restrictions on beef consumption would deeply affect the cultural identity and daily lives of the Naga people, hurting their sentiments grievously.

Also Read: NDPP urges reconsideration of cow slaughter ban programme in Kohima

Maintaining Peace and Unity

The BJP Nagaland also appealed to all concerned parties to ensure that no actions are taken which could harm the longstanding peace and unity within the society. The party’s stance is clear: while respecting the diversity of India, it is crucial to protect the unique cultural and social practices of the Naga people.

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