MGM College celebrates 8th Freshers’ Day with enthusiasm

MGM College celebrates 8th Freshers Day with enthusiasm

MGM College in Dimapur celebrated its 8th Freshers’ Day on August 17 with a lively event that welcomed new students into the college community. The day was filled with excitement and motivation, setting the stage for the freshers’ academic journey.

A Warm Welcome and Inspiring Words

The event took place in the college auditorium, where Fr. Giju George, the college administrator, delivered a welcoming speech. He encouraged students to embrace their studies with enthusiasm, creating a positive atmosphere for the day.

Dr. Tinojongshi Chang
Dr. Tinojongshi Chang

The highlight of the event was the presence of Dr. Tinojongshi Chang, Deputy Commissioner of Dimapur, who attended as the Guest of Honour. Dr. Chang’s speech captivated the audience, emphasising the importance of developing skills beyond academics. He shared personal experiences to illustrate how education extends beyond the classroom, urging students to cultivate leadership, communication, and resilience. His words motivated the freshers to approach their education with a holistic mindset.

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Recognising Excellence and Celebrating Achievements

During the event, outstanding students from the previous semester were acknowledged for their dedication. Awards were given for the Best Library User and Best Attendance, recognising their commitment to academic excellence. These accolades highlighted the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving success.

MGM College Mr. and Miss Fresher 2024
Mr. and Miss Fresher 2024

The crowning of the Freshers’ Day titles was a much-anticipated moment. Miss Yelem from the Department of Education was named Miss Fresher 2024, while Mister Nahong, also from the Department of Education, was honoured as Mister Fresher 2024. These titles celebrated the talents and potential of the new students, adding excitement to the day.

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A Memorable Start to a New Journey

The 8th Freshers’ Day at MGM College concluded on a high note, leaving students inspired and ready to embark on their academic journey. The event not only welcomed new students but also motivated them to pursue their studies with enthusiasm and a broader perspective. With a blend of motivation and celebration, the day marked a memorable start to what promises to be a fulfilling academic year at MGM College.

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